988 Call Center
PATH provides the life-saving 988 suicide prevention hotline, offering immediate and confidential help to those in need. Connect with a trusted and compassionate person who is ready to listen and support you through challenges.
Contact 988 Now
Call or text “988”. Your call or text will be routed to the designated call center. Do NOT hang up – if you hang up, you will lose your place in line.
You can also reach 988 by dialing the old NSPL number (800-273-8255).
There is no alternate number to reach PATH’s 988 call center directly - you must be routed through the regular 988 call distribution system.
What is 988?
All services are free to callers and confidential.
Trusted counselors are available 24/7 by call or text to provide support in three key ways:
Emotional Support: Phone-based intervention through empathetic listening when individuals are experiencing severe emotional distress.
Safety Planning: Assistance developing clear "next steps" to prevent recurring crises and facilitating connections to additional resources or regular mental health support. Follow-up calls are provided to ensure continued well-being.
Connections to in-person crisis intervention: In-person intervention services, such as psychiatric mobile response teams, can be arranged. The primary aim of both 988 and the psychiatric mobile response teams is to minimize hospitalizations and involve mental health professionals instead of law enforcement.
988 is the new NSPL (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline), as of July 2022.
PATH is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) through August 2027.

Get Immediate Support
For immediate access to our services, click on 988 for mental health support, 211 for community resources and support, or visit our Homelessness Services page for assistance.